/* * @author: chenzy * @date: 2017-12-07 09:23:26 * @last modified by: chenzy * @last modified time: 2018-05-23 14:27:41 */ $(function () { // 手机导航 $(document).ready(function () { $('#sidemenu').sidetoggle({ moving: '#sidemenucontainer', direction: 'right' }); }); (function ($) { $.fn.sidetoggle = function (options) { var settings = $.extend({ moving: null, // which object to toggle? direction: null // toggle from this side of the window }, options); return this.click(function () { var thisdir = {}; var movethis = settings.moving; var dirpos = parseint($(movethis).css(settings.direction), 10); var menuwidth = $(movethis).outerwidth(); if (isnan(dirpos)) { console.log("please define the object's position in the css."); } if (dirpos === 0) { thisdir[settings.direction] = -menuwidth; $(movethis).animate(thisdir); } else { thisdir[settings.direction] = 0; $(movethis).animate(thisdir); } }); } }(jquery)); // pc banner $("#banner").owlcarousel({ autoplay: true, navigation: false, singleitem: true, stoponhover: true, transitionstyle: 'fadeup', }); // 手机banner $("#bannerm").owlcarousel({ autoplay: true, navigation: false, singleitem: true, stoponhover: true, transitionstyle: 'fadeup', }); $('#us-link').on('click', function () { $('.left-box').toggleclass('current'); return false; }) $(document).on('click', function () { if ($('.left-box').hasclass('current')) { $('.left-box').removeclass('current'); } }) })